Sunday 23 May 2010

New Team Member: Matt Wadsworth

Matt Wadsworth: I was 17 years old when I joined the Royal Air Force, 17 years later my career was cut short. During my time as Aircrew operating on the Chinook Helicopter, I saw military operational tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Suffering for years with “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” symptoms, it was after a tour in Afghanistan, I was diagnosed with the condition, this led to several different treatments, but none worked for me. During one of my lowest points in-between stays at mental institutions, Talking2minds were brought to my attention.

The treatment I received on the change programme stopped my nightmares and PTSD, my life was returned and I was able to start rebuilding. I haven’t looked back; now a qualified Master Practitioner I have the skills to help others suffering from their traumas and I volunteer with Talking2minds.

Fitness and sport have been a daily part of life, having competed at several at differing levels. I like to push my boundaries and test myself; the ultimate test will be the South Pole Race. The race will enable the team to explore new limits, not only in fitness but in our mental capabilities in an unforgiving environment.

Thank you to all our sponsors and supporters; with your help YOU are helping us raise the awareness and funds for Talking2minds enabling veterans to combat PTSD.

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